Sunday, September 10, 2006


This Speech was delivered Sept 10 2006 to 500 people in honor of Patriot's day. You can see the video here, or if you're "special" you'll get a package in the mail.

The text of the speech is below:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ...
We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions,
do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare,
That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States,
that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved;
and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. —
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. -Declaration of Independence July 4 1776

Patriotism, a word we hear so often, yet how many of us give thought to what it really means? Of who the PATRIOTS were, are, and will be?

Patriotism is a broad topic and everyone seems to have their own ideas or definition of it.

However, before we can go into details about this vital concept called PATRIOTISM, we need to understand what it means.

#1 Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “ Love, Loyalty and zealous support for one’s country.” Pledging their Love, Fortunes and Sacred Honor.

Patrick Henry made the call to patriotism in 1775 when he said “:
Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.
The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.

There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter.
Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace.
The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!

Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?
What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!
I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

The patriots are those who love and zealously support their nation, who are willing to and have given their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for it.
Our Founders made that commitment to America in the 1700’s.
Patrick Henry in his “War is Inevitable” Speech stated “Give me liberty of give me death.”
Benjamin Franklin, when signing the Declaration stated “ We must all hang together or we will all hang separately”.

TODAY, what so many don’t seam to grasp is when those 55 men signed the Declaration they understood that if they lost the war, they and just signed away their life. Treason was punishable by torture and hanging. Yet, they were willing to DIE FOR LIBERTY.

Since then, many patriots have risen. Our soldiers from the American Revolution, the World wars, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, and many others have given and sacrificed their lives for this nation.

On September 11th 2001, Firemen, policemen, and first Responders, RAN into the burning buildings. Many were trapped or killed when the towers collapsed as they tried to rescue fellow Americans.

That same day on UNITED AIRLINES Flight 93, Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick , Tom Burnett, Jr. and Mike Bingham also decided to sacrifice themselves.

United 93 was only an hour on its way when hijackers armed with box cutters took over the Cock Pit. These men and maybe others on the plane decided to TAKE IT BACK.
While all the passengers died, Their HEROISM saved many other lives that day!

OUR FOUNDERS, OUR SOLDIERS, OUR FIREMEN and POLICEMEN have shown how to live Patriotically, BUT like those on United 93, OUR Citizens must be PATRIOTS as well.

It would not be “going too far” to that they TRUE PATRIOTISM requires sacrifice. As Citizens we need to avidly support our nation. Defending the heritage of this great nation demonstrates patriotism. Honoring, Supporting, and encouraging our military demonstrates patriotism as well!

In order to be patriotic, we must remember, that the freedom we are fighting to preserve, DID NOT COME WITHOUT A PRICE.

That SACFRICE, however, does not have to mean dying for your Country. There are many endeavors citizens can get involved in. The people sending care packages overseas, and writing letters are being patriotic and the people bake cookies for firemen and policemen are supporting those in the field, and showing patriotism as well.

Ronald Reagan once said “We stand here on the only island of freedom that is left in the whole world. There is no place to fee to, no place to escape to.

We defend our freedom here or it is gone.

There is no place for us to run. Only make a stand, and if we fail I think we face telling our children, and our children’s children, what it is we found more precious than freedom.

Because I am sure that someday, if we fail, there will be a generation that will ASK!

We are the only Island of Freedom left in the world. It is our DUTY to support it and those who protect and defend it. We are in a WAR. Like no other, we are fighting against an ideal, not an army. We were attacked on our CONTINENT, our HOME FRONT, and now we have soldiers defending us overseas for something, THEY consider PRICELESS: FREEDOM

Will we continue to support our Nation? One of the problems with this generation, MY GENERATION, is that so many of us are selfish. Taking everything for granted, even, in most cases, our FREEDOM. WE must NOT continue this trend! We must appreciate our freedom. Appreciate the lives that it cost to get us this far and are keeping us free.

As a Christian American Citizen, I KNOW that our freedom was obtained and preserved by Patriots who gave their lives to give us liberty! The most significant display was Christ on the cross. Setting us free from the bonds of sin. Second, to Christ on that cross, is OUR AMERICAN PATRIOTS of the past and present who DAILY sacrifice their time, fortune and lives for the CAUSE of Freedom.

Darryl Worrly wrote a song not long after 9/11 entitled “Have You Forgotten?” In the Chorus he states
“_Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire And her people blown away? Have you forgotten when those towers fell? We had neighbors still inside Going through a living hell now you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden Have you forgotten?

I've been there with the soldiers Who've gone away to war And you can bet they remember Just what they're fighting for

Have you forgotten all the people killed? Some went down like heroes in that Pennsylvania field Have you forgotten about our Pentagon? All the loved ones that we lost And those left to carry on Don't you tell me not to worry about Bin Laden Have you forgotten?

Have we forgotten? Immediately after 9/11 this country was united, there were flags on every street corner.

We all cheered from our guts when President bush came out on September 14th and stood on that rubble and stated “ I hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people that attacked these buildings are going to hear from all of us soon!”

Has America forgotten? I hope not, but it is hard to tell. Life has returned to normal while is nation is still at war. Now more than ever we need to be patriots, we need to tell America to WAKE UP! And show the World that we support our troops.

Christ died to free us for eternity and our Founders and servicemen have labored and died to keep America, that CITY ON A HILL, as Reagan called it. It is OUR DUTY to support AMERICA. Like the Founders pledged their lives, fortunes and Sacred Honor, we need to sacrifice for our nations as well. Sending letters and care packages to soldiers, volunteering in various organizations, getting involved in politics on the local, state, or federal level are different ways to get involved. Others have sacrificed and we MUST NOT FORGET!

Some Americans have forgotten, the question is, WILL WE? Or WILL WE BE THE 2nd GREATEST GENERATION?


Alexander Blair said...


Anonymous said...

Great job Kierstyn! Very strong message, and awesome rhetoric; love the way you used so many great examples and quotes.

As you said, we must not forget.

Matt Ahearn said...

Great job on this! I especially liked the use of Worley's song. :)

*cheers too*

Anonymous said...

In reply to mg:

That's right - and you should remember that supporting this country and being a patriot and loving this country DOES NOT MEAN blindly following the flawed foreign policy which condemns young american men to death in a desert in Iraq in a nation that had nothing to do with th attack on 9/11. Being a patriot means speaking out loudly, and protesting a government policy that oppresses and infringes upon other cultures and other religions.

how pray tell, does america infringe on religions rights? or the rights of other cultures? last I checked, we can't even watch arabs extra carefully at airports without hearing from the ACLU. We aren't declaring Islam to be an illegal religion on the grounds that it incites violence and hatred (before you say it doesn't, go listen to a Bin Laden Tape. Or a Hamas broadcast of any kind. Or better yet, turn on the news.) also, as far as infringing on other cultures, we allow skinheads to live and voice their opinions in the US, Similarly, we allow gangsta rap that glorifies violence of ALL kinds. Those are both undesirable cultures, yet we allow them to exist in the United States. Because we DO respect other peoples cultures. No matter how disgusting, vile, or bigoted they may be.

Being a patriot means voicing an opinion, and voting

to this point you are correct. Congrats on getting something right!

, and protesting illegal wars and illegal torture tactics being used by US soldiers.

Torture is not illegal. Let's say you capture a terrorist, and you know he has planted a fully functional suitcase nuke in the middle of NYC. YOU would stand back and say "Well, we can't torture him because that would be unethical." and allow most of NYC to vanish in flash of light and heat as hot as the surface of the sun. You would allow this to happen, even though the radiation fallout would affect the country for generations, causing cancer and many other harmful diseases? Granted, this is a worse case scenario, but say you are a marine in Iraq, and you know an insurgent has planted a roadside bomb, and a convoy is coming. You would have men die, rather than torture him, get the information, and save lives? (also, in case you are going to use the argument that torture produces faulty results, that is what sodium pentathol is for) and this "illegal war" you are criticizing, has every hotheaded violent insurgent in the area headed there, intent on waging jihad with our armed forces. Rather than heading to say, Manhattan to do the same thing.

Jonathan M said...

Why die for this country? Well as bad as it is, it is the last real beacon (as Kierstyn mentioned) of freedom in the world. And freedom to spread the gospel is a jewel so precious that we must not quickly throw it away.

Jonathan M said...

And by the way, Kierstyn, congrats on making WORLD. :-)

Anonymous said...

to "Anonymous"

taken from

"While fictional accounts of intelligence interrogation give these drugs near magical abilities, information obtained by publicly-disclosed truth drugs has been shown to be highly unreliable, with subjects apparently freely mixing fact and fantasy. Much of the claimed effect relies on the belief of the subject that they cannot tell a lie while under the influence of the drug."

Anonymous said...

I specifically referred to it as sodium pentathol for a reason. I know there is no such thing as a Tuth Drug. here is the bit of the article in wikipedia you left out...

truth drug (or truth serum) is a drug used for the purposes of obtaining accurate information from an unwilling subject, most often by a police, intelligence, or military organization on a prisoner.

Drugs used for this purpose have included ethanol, scopolamine, and the anaesthetic induction agent sodium thiopental (more commonly known as Sodium Pentothal)—all sedatives that interfere particularly with judgment and higher cognitive function. While alcohol is used for this purpose by many individuals in a more innocent sense, it is used by professionals as well. A book by a former Soviet KGB officer based in Washington, Washington Station, details the use of near-pure alcohol to verify that a Soviet agent was not compromised by U.S. counterintelligence services

The point of the drug is to knock out your higher thinking. you will say things when you're drunk you would not normally say. (mel gibson's antisemitic rant for one.)

Anonymous said...

In response to Rosie:

Keirstyn:OUR FOUNDERS, OUR SOLDIERS, OUR FIREMEN and POLICEMEN have shown how to live Patriotically, BUT like those on United 93, OUR Citizens must be PATRIOTS as well.
Rosie: One thing you fail to explain is--why?

Because anyone willing to enjoy the benefits of our great country-the best in the world- should be willing to die for it. also, nationalism has always brought great success to whatever nation utilizes it. Economically, militarily, and socially.

Rosie: As a Canadian national living in America, I am slightly baffled by this frenzied, devoted, foaming-at-the-mouth patriotism that seems to consume everyone surrounding me.

Really. Foaming at the mouth? How about righteous anger at being sucker punched by a bunch of rabid (yes rabid) extremists who slaughtered American CIVILIANS. If it was our soldiers, I'd still be mad, but these were civilians going about their lives. You can declare war on, and attack a country’s armed forces. Not their civilians.

Rosie: No one has yet satisfactorily answered my query--why? Why patriotism? Why do you love this country, beyond one-word answers like 'freedom' and 'democracy'? Why are you willing to die for it?

Because "we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. And among these are the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...And to this endeavor we mutually pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor." WE believe this. Muslims don't. Muslims believe "Muslims are equal. Anyone who does not believe in Allah must either be killed or enslaved. If enslaved, they have no rights whatsoever." That is why we fight.

Rosie: Is it for the government, the people, the land?

The government, as it is the best system to date in the world, yes. I'm not saying it doesn't have major problems. IT DOES. But it's still the best. The people, absolutely. And the land that was fought for and blood was spilled for, we should also fight for that. So the answer is all of the above.

Rosie: If I had been on that flight, I like to think that I'd have stood up and done something--but I wouldn't have been thinking of the stars and stripes (or even the maple leaf) and how much I loved my native country. I would have been thinking of the lives I could save, the horror I could avert, and I am baffled by people who would honestly think of their flag and their Founding Fathers at a moment like that.

Does anyone really? For me it would it be, "God I'm about to try to save the lives of everyone on this plane. Please grant me the strength to win, or the courage to die trying."

Rosie: I am not attacking, I am simply asking--why do you love this country enough to give your life in its service?

Because if this country didn't exist I wouldn't be here. Because this country has given me a better shot at life than pretty much anywhere else in the world could. And good men have died so that future generations could have these benefits and rights, and I am willing to do so as well, to guarantee the rights of someone else in the next generation, let alone the current members of my generation. An applicable quote here “I hate what you're saying, but I'll die to make sure you have the right to say it.”

Rosie: And who paid it, may I ask? Did you pay it? Did your father? Did his father? Very few people in this country have ever truly had to fight for freedom, have ever in fact known what it is to be without it--as opposed to, for example, the Iraqis, who we have liberated and freed from oppression and--oops, wait.

No. I have not paid a price for freedom. Many good men have. And you are right. We are spoiled as a nation. We treat freedom like it is a given. It isn't. And yes, actually, I would say that freeing a country from a brutal dictator and his sons, who would have children tortured in front of their parents, strap people into bathtubs and then fill it with acid, sons who operated rape rooms where they could do as they liked to anyone who caught their eye, who would gas his enemies (a WMD if I'm not mistaken) and his own people. And this is barely scratching the surface of the atrocities. Not even mentioning the fact that many of his administration were as evil and sadistic as he was. So yes. We liberated them.

Rosie: I suppose Mr Reagan wasn't particularly well-travelled, poor fellow. Unless martial law has been declared since I left, Canada is still a free-world country (and may I insert at this juncture that, from the point of view of a hard-working low-income high school student, the quality of living there was in fact marginally higher than it is here),

Maybe. Doubtful but maybe. Our health care is better though :-P

Rosie: as are Britain, France, Russia, Switzerland, Finland,, a good bit of the Western world, in point of fact. IIRC, free nations in fact hold much more power in the world than the 'enslaved' ones--or should I rethink my definition of 'freedom'?

With the exception of Russia these countries are free. (Russia is starting to see the rise of Putinism. Similar to communism, but think V2.0) but none of those countries are nearly as powerful as we are. And were not able to defend themselves against a large powerful aggressor (AKA the Soviet Union and its satellites) there was a reason NATO was formed. And what power does Yugoslavia hold? I mean come on. They are free until one of their neighbors decides they like their Mountain View better.

Rosie: Okay, I can't avoid it any longer. Please answer me this question:
How, in the name of God Almighty, all the saints, and all of their pet cats, is fighting a war against an already crippled nation when "nobody had ever suggested that the attacks of September the 11th were ordered by Iraq" (--George W Bush, August 2006), there were no WMDs

What do you mean a crippled nation? What was crippled about Iraq? Also, you're wrong. Dead wrong in fact. We have found plenty of biological and nerve warfare material. The liberal media just doesn't make it headline news. You’ll be lucky to find a 250 word article on page 16 in the back of the paper. Interesting note, btw, President Clinton, in conjunction with Tony Blair, authorized Operation desert fox, to bomb WMD centers in Iraq. Because they were “a clear and present Danger."

Rosie: and the primary target (Saddam) could just as easily have been removed peacefully, defending freedom?

"Okay, I can't avoid it any longer. Please answer me this question:
How, in the name of God Almighty, all the saints, and all of their pet cats" WOULD WE REMOVE AN EVIL DICTATOR FROM POWER PEACEFULLY? WITHOUT FORCE?

Rosie: There is no connection here. None. If there is, I must be too blinded by the liberal media (or something) to see it, so could you please explain it to me?

Certainly. It needed to be done. He was a threat. By the time he was a danger we would have already had a nuclear or biological disaster on our hands. And one thing we know about Arabs from their wars with Israel, is that they will stop slitting each others throats, to band together against a common enemy. Common Enemy = US. The odds of Iraq slipping something besides funds to terrorism were actually pretty good. And if the UN had let us finish the job in the first place, this wouldn't be an issue.

Rosie: Oh, sorry, I didn't know that Christ was an American patriot. He gave his life for the liberty of the American people?

Christ died to make men free. The men who made, fought and died for this country emulated him, by giving their lives for other's freedom.

Rosie: Wow. Guess I'd better not show any patriotism towards my own country,

Nah. you can show your patriotism for Canada. Unless it’s anti-American, in which case, do it FROM Canada. (if you don't love it, leave it let this song that I'm singing be a warning, when you're running down my country man you're walking on the fighting side of me...)

Rosie: Or even the slightest criticism of this one!

You’re entitled to your opinion. That doesn’t make it right.

Rosie: No, I haven't forgotten about Bin Laden. The president has, though.

Nope. He remembers. Like anyone could forget?

Rosie: Is that why he prepared a massive military onslaught against a country that had (again) nothing to do with the attack?

Last I checked, we invaded AFGHANISTAN first. Home to the Taliban. Home to the terrorist training camps. Home to public enemy No.1 Osama Bin Laden.

Rosie: I do support [our troops]. That's why I want them home.

Why don't you ask the troops if they want to abandon Iraq? Why don't we cut and run like we did in Somalia, where even though we inflicted over 1,000 hostile somali casualties, we ran off with our tail between our legs? Btw, thanks to Bill Clinton’s cunning strategy of denying our boys the support they needed in combat (the requested spectre gunships were denied, and so was the use of armor. i.e. NO TANKS! forcing our boys to go in riding 1970's era humvees!) and then retreating, Osama bin laden said in a interview with ABC no less, that "this showed the young fighters that the American soldier is a paper tiger, who will run after a few blows."

Rosie:Getting involved in politics on the local, state, or federal level are different ways to get involved I am! Or did you mean on the Republican side?

NOpe. In this country, you have the right to vote as you please. No matter how close minded you are. Just remember this. "Anyone who's not a liberal before he's 20 doesn't have a heart, anyone who's not a conservative by the time he's 40 doesn't have a brain." You said you were in high school, so I'll cut you some slack.

Anonymous said...

"Last I checked, we invaded AFGHANISTAN first. Home to the Taliban. Home to the terrorist training camps. Home to public enemy No.1 Osama Bin Laden."

Right... then we invaded the country that had nothing to do with it. We're already into Iraq, so it'd be a bad idea to abandon what we've begun. But in retrospect we really should've saved our breath for Iran or North Korea who don't really pay attention to any of our threats because our military is pretty much tied down, especially when it comes to occupation and supplies. Hindsight is 20/20.

And Rosie, I sympathize with you. Foaming at the mouth patriotism embarasses me. America is not worth fighting for because it's name is America or because the flag is red, white, and blue. Calling America the last bastion of democracy is ignorant as well. The way I think about it that as long as America is an overall positive to human rights and pursuit of happiness, then I'm okay with it. But to give any nation a free pass is to cheapen our moral ability to make judgments against wrongdoing in the world.

I think everyone here should watch V for Vendetta. You all would find it interesting. said...
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Anonymous said...

I read about your blog in WORLD and had to check it out. This is a very impacting message!!I really agree with what you said "We must not forget".

nate said...

Kiestyn! I just lost. But congratulations on getting featured in World mag! That's great exposure... not only just for you guys but everyone else in the blogosphere. Way to represent! :P

Kingdom Advancer said...

Just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work! The article in World about you and five other homeschoolers got me interested in starting my own blog:
Kingdom Advancing

"Dedicated to the advancing of God's kingdom, as well as to the advancing of freedom in general."

There you'll find one-line, clever, easy-to-remember anecdotes, purposeful poems, and thought-provoking prose.

K. said...

Geneva Convention. Torture is illegal. Ask John McCain - you think he knows what its like to be a POW? Ask Lindsay Graham, who's defended and represented American military men for years and still serves in the Reserves. What do you think they're fighting for, right now?

I'm more scared of a potential attack now in 2006, than I was in 2002. Because of this nation's complete foreign policy debacle in Iraq. They made New York City less safe, not more. And last I checked - the guy who attacked my city, and killed my friends in the WTC is still missing in action. And that is sickening. This President is a failure in his tactics and running a nation based on instilling fear and torturing detainees is an embarrassment to me, a patriotic American.

Anonymous said...

hey, i like your idea. :yep: i saw your blog from World magazine. decided to check it out. i'm an homeschooled teen, also.
if you would like, you can visit a message board i'm on.... [URL][/URL]
My user name is J_freek, and my blog is [URL][/URL]

Anonymous said...

I would like to respond to Rosie's question,

"Why do you love this counrty enough to give your life in its service?"

This is a very good question, and I commend you for honestly asking it. There are many reasons why I would die for my country. The reasons you gave-- the government, people, and land, are all right. I would die for an ideal, a belief, a system that I beileve worth defending.

But it goes far, far deeper than that. This is the best way I can think of to explan it: would you die for your mother? I know I would. Why? Because I think she's the best. Because I want to preserve her life. Because I cherish all that she stands for. But even more than that, because she is MY mother. It is my duty to give everything I have for the one that gave me life, for the one that made me all that I am.

I feel a loyalty, a patriotism, to my mother because when you love something, you are willing to die for it. This is why we call our native country "the mother-land."

I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job Kierstyn!

Steven Givler said...

This country is worth dying for because it's the only country in the world based on the principle that government exists to serve the people and protect their rights. The laws of every other nation (yes, even Canada, Rosie) place the rights of the government above the rights of the people. That is tyranny, even when it manifests itself as socialized health care.

As one who has deployed twice to Iraq, and is likely to deploy again, I thank those of you who claim to support the troops, but if you intend to do that by bringing us home before mission is complete, keep your favors to yourself. All you're really doing is making my job more difficult and dangerous.

And if Iraq is not essential to the war on terror, why are terrorists fighting so hard there? Clearly it's a center of gravity, which makes it where we want to be. Better in Iraq (where, by the way we do not torture people, nor have we ever) than in New York. We fight them there so you don't have to here.

And one more thing: the First Gulf War ended in an armistice that depended on Saddam's fulfillment of UN mandates, among which were honoring weapons inspections and the No-Fly Zones (which were implemented, among other reasons to keep him from destroying his citizens' villages with helicopter gunships.) Saddam brought the resumption of conflict upon himself by interfering with inspections and habitually flying in the No-Fly Zones. Prior to the resumption of the war one of Saddam's MiG 25 interceptors tried to shoot down a surveillance jet on which I was flying. Don't you dare try to insinuate that Saddam was an innocent victim of some political intrigue. He brought the resumption of conflict upon himself. said...

On the topic of patriotism, consider what you would be willing to die for, and what your government would be willing for you to die for. Here in America, we have it good, yet every citizen still has the duty to ask these qustions. Is this really for my country, is this what my country was based upon.

I the case of the war on terror, I believe the answer to these questions is yes. I support our presence in Iraq and the war on terror, though I believe that this war could have been avioded by less "global protection" in the past, at this point it would be pure folly to withdraw.