Monday, April 24, 2006

A Step of Faith...

You know, its so amazing how God works through people to convict you of something.I've experienced that in my own life these past few weeks. Most recently and most challenging was last weekend.I was talking to a friend of mine and *somehow* we started talking about Headcoverings.

Before I go into a bunch of detail its important to know some backround:
1. I used to homechurch when I was little
2. I've heard the headcovering arguments before

So anyway, we were talking about Headcoverings, and I always thought that:
1Cr 11:15
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for [her] hair is given her for a covering.

meant that a woman's HAIR is her covering. BOY was I proved wrong!!! So the argument I THOUGHT I had was like wiped out in about 5 minutes when we went to the Greek definitions.

The Key Word in this verse is "covering" which means:
1) a covering thrown around, a wrapper

a) a mantle

b) a veil
(peribolaion {per-ib-ol'-ah-yon}Strong's 4018 )

So there went my whole argument....alot more transpired but thats the basics.

Needlass to say, all last week I felt convicted and curious as to why we didn't do it anymore. So Saturday, I asked my mom about it.

I said " you know how we say we believe everything in the Bible is true, and how we follow through on it?"

Mom" yes"

me " well then, how come we don't wear headcoverings anymore? I mean, isn't it a little hypocritical to say, 'yes, we believe everything in the bible is true' and follow through on that, but then when it comes to headcoverings we don't do it? I don't know but to me it just looks a little hypocritcal to like not do or believe what paul said while saying we believe everything in there"

Mom "yeah, thats true and thats actually been bugging me for the last few weeks"

Me "really?"

Mom "Yeah, I've been looking for some kindo of hat or something but haven't found one yet. Anyway the reason we don't do it anymore is because when we stopped homechuching and went to a conventional church, there was a lot of peer pressure on us not to do it, because it made them uncomfortable and we were called legalisic"

Me "thats a kinda petty reason"

Mom" yes it is, but peer pressure is hard to stand against"

Me "well its been bugging me too, since last week. I looked up all the words and stuff and it was really cool. but my argument was flawed!"

So anyway, the conversation continued and we decided we'd wear headcoverings :). However the story doesn't end there (that would be too simple and not worth writing about).

So my mom warned me, "the people we homechurch with don't wear headcoverings and we could make them very uncomfortable"

Me " Since when have we ever made people feel comfortable? we're polarizing...they either hate us or like us, its just how it is. "

I was a little worried about that, but what was so AWESOME was that through it all God gave me the strength to follow through on my decision to obey His word. Finally, we go to our homechurch today...and God was so AWESOME, nothing bad happened! in fact, I even get quite a few compliments on it. :)Anyway, thats my story.....isn't God AWESOME?



Josiah said...

Oh man...I emailed you Kierstyn. Read my xanga. I don't get to use IM this WHOLE week...which includes Skype...:'(

Mike said...

Dear Kierstyn:

I think you mean "convinced" not "convicted."

As in "I was convinced by the argument"

"He was convicted of felony assault."

Minor mistakes in word usage make it appear that you don't know better or don't care very much about what you are saying.


Mike said...

Dear Kierstyn:

I think you mean "convinced" not "convicted."

As in "I was convinced by the argument"

"He was convicted of felony assault."

Minor mistakes in word usage make it appear that you don't know better or don't care very much about what you are saying.


Kierstyn Paulino said...

Actually, I meant convicted. As in "I felt convicted" or "I was convicted by the Holy Spirit"

Thanks for the help though, sometimes I do get carried away, and I really appreciate you telling me :) I'll make a note of that though :D


Kierstyn Paulino said...

Thanks Zach! :D

you don't have to agree, it IS America after all.

Matt Ahearn said...

Ditto Zach except I'm not sure, it is great what you did! YOu definetly hear and obey!

I'm hoping to fall off the fence

Matt Ahearn said...
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Matt Ahearn said...

Whoops! the above post was me...I double posted. :/

Kierstyn Paulino said...

lol, I hope you fall off soon too, one way or the other. I've never really seen you as a fence sitter :)

Matt Ahearn said...

Yeah...I know...this is weird for me...I am rarely on the fence about I am so rarely on the fence that my fence sitting questions look like I'm not on the fence. lol.

Kierstyn Paulino said...

haha! yeah I noticed that :) but at least they're thought provoking and not personal attacks. :)

Matt Ahearn said...

Yeah, I try to be careful on my comments, especially after the recent stuff at my blog. I'll probably be off by Saturday...cuz Saturday I'll have to be on for the Bible Study and will probably get IMed by

Matt Ahearn said...

Header looks very good! Good job!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, let me get a grasp on the reasoning here. It's funny, just the other day this popped into my head and my defense has always been that verse. I quoted it to myself and I thought hey, I should look that up in Greek.

I think the fundamental difference lies in if the statement is meant to mean:

1) ...for [her] hair is given her *as* a covering.
2) ...for [her] hair is given her *to cover*.

Would you say it is the latter? The real difference is made not in the definition of the word *covering*, but in the three words prior to it. So I'm going to study that.

Kierstyn Paulino said...

study it, actually this issue has been debated on my other blog. So if you'd like to see the "debate" go to:

you'll have to scroll down past the post about United 93, but its easy to find.