Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Update 9

We're back with more results. The candidate I've been working for since august lost.

Corker is still in the lead in Tennessee.

Maine is still in Snowe's hands.

There are mixed reports of the Virginia race.

MD - U.S. Senate
69% Precincts Reporting
Ben CardinDemocrat540,676 (53%)
Michael SteeleRepublican473,048 (46%)
Kevin ZeeseGreen16,021 (2%)
Click Here for Race Analysis and Latest Polls

South Dakota is still leaning against the refferrendum:
SD - Bans all abortions unless one is needed to prevent the death of the mother
59% Precincts Reporting
No-98,182 (55%)
Yes-79,444 (45%)

Kyl is still leading in Arizona:
AZ - U.S. Senate
77% Precincts Reporting
Jon Kyl (i)Republican402,955 (52%)
Jim PedersonDemocrat351,190 (45%)
Richard MackLibertarian25,547 (3%)


EmeraldEyes said...

I am so glad to have found something "right" out there! Great site! I'll be bookmarking this one and linking it from my site if that is okay. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I wrote about the key SD abortion issue on my blog before the election. Because of this loss, pro-lifer's may find it hard to restart the pro-life movement. On the bright side, most states defined marriage as between one man and one woman, so that's good.